Relationships and Our Nervous System
When it comes to health and wellbeing, the role our nervous system plays is finally making its way into the spotlight. As a relationships coach, I’m excited to see this happening, because of the central role it plays in our relationship with ourselves and with others,...
Relationships and Self-Care at Christmas and Holiday Time
The Christmas and holiday period can powerfully magnify both the joys and the challenges of life, and our relationships. The joys can be wonderful - getting together with those we love, celebration, fun, gifts, spiritual communion, a break from the usual day-to-day,...
Life as a Relationships Coach
When I tell people that I’m a relationships coach, they often ask me what made me choose this as my work. The best answer I can give is that I see life as being made of relationships, because our relationship to ourselves, to others and to life, is ultimately what...
Saying Yes to a Love Relationship? Part 3 of 3
Part 1 of this blog series looked at how essential it is to have healthy personal boundaries to meet a suitable partner for a romantic relationship. Part 2 explored why we need a healthy Yes and No as we begin to connect with someone more deeply and move into the...
Saying Yes to a Love Relationship? Part 2 of 3
Part 1 of this blog series looked at how essential it is to have healthy personal boundaries when you are open to meeting a suitable partner for a love relationship. What we say “Yes” to and what we say “No” to in life does, after all, shape our experience. This part...
Saying YES to a Love Relationship? Part 1 of 3
Let’s start with NO. Saying NO to something you don’t want can be a way of saying YES to yourself, and what you DO want. For example, saying No to going out for dinner because you’d rather stay at home and read a book means you are free to do just that, stay at home...
The Heart of Vulnerability
What do you think of when you hear the word vulnerability? In the past, I would have thought of it as weakness; and definitely something I should try hard to avoid. These days I am much more inclined to see my natural human vulnerability as a beautiful aspect of who I...
Giving Your No as a Gift at Christmas
At Christmas and other festive times, many of us offer our gifts, our time and our presence to each other. At this time of giving and receiving, people’s expectations – both others’ and our own – can be high. And this can make saying No, or receiving a No, more...